Polskie LNG Expansion Project, Poland

Polskie LNG Expansion Project, Poland

Polskie LNG Expansion Project, Świnoujście, Poland

The Świnoujście LNG terminal, is an operational import terminal located in the north-west of Poland near the Polish-German border, with current regasification capacity of 5 billion cubic metres per annum.

As of 2020, the terminal is being expanded, adding another storage tank, regassification plant and offshore jetties, allowing safe handling of LNG via carriers.

The construction of the third tank will increase the terminal’s capacity from 5 billion cubic meters per annum to 7.5 billion cubic meters per annum, satisfying approximately 50% of Poland’s annual gas demand.

For this complex project, we were tasked to support both, the main EPC contractor, as well as PMC contractor, representing the client’ side, with specialist search services of various discipline engineers, as well as engineering and project management, for home engineering offices, and construction site.

Given the highly regulated project environment, as well as local rules – key challenges were to find the specialists with needed skill-sets within short time frame, whom would also be in possession of valid Polish Engineering and Construction Licences required by the local authorities.

Nevertheless, we managed to tackle most challenges and are proud of having had an opportunity to be involved in such an important Energy project in Eastern Europe.

Client: EPC and PMC contractors
Location: Świnoujście, Poland
Services: Specialist Headhunting